News Articles
Fire Mitigation Efforts Underway
Posted on Aug 16th, 2021
In 2020, the Board undertook several measures to address fire-readiness, including:
Added a second annual round of defensible perimeter weed abatement in early Fall, in addition to the existing early summer abatement
Continued to review and approve renewal of the current cattle grazing program for weed abatement, including the maintenance of fire break paths in the open space hills
Cleared and maintained certain open space areas within Rancho Solano that were previously, but no longer, maintained by the City
In 2021, the Board:
Approved the formation of an Ad Hoc Fire Safety Committee
Identified as a safety priority the removal of dead, fallen limbs and the trimming of low-hanging limbs in the Rancho Solano Open Space
Identified “knolls” within the Open Space that may post the most pressing risk based on anticipated wind direction and amount of dead fallen wood, and further identified knolls surrounding Andalucia as a starting point
Reviewed bids from qualified, insured wood removal experts that are trained to work on dry hillsides to remove a first phase of dead wood and hired a contractor
Reviewed the cost and budgetary constraints for funding broad fire mitigation efforts and discussed the need to raise future funds earmarked toward fire mitigation
Identified the need to provide information to homeowners on measures they can take for fire preparedness
The Board will continue to keep the Homeowner's informed as the project progresses.