News Articles

2021 Food Drive Generosity Skyrockets!
Posted on Jul 16th, 2021

This is the most food collected ever, by far, and we are amazed by the community’s generosity. Those who donated became a partner in ending hunger. Thank you!
We’d like to give huge thanks to our volunteers who delivered donation bags to each home the Saturday prior to the drive:  John & Linda Anzalone,  Phyllis Borges,  Ann Cousineau,  Brad Flynn,  Jimmy & Jackson Geiskopf,  Gary Sigel,  Sossaman Family,  Mark & Jennie Valles,  Bob Waller.
And last, but far from least, many thanks to our leader, Dorothy Flynn, who works tirelessly on our food drive each year and is largely responsible for its success.          
You may still give a cash donation at: Food Bank Donation. For questions, please contact Dorothy Flynn at 925-250-0670.